Saturday, March 26, 2005

26-March 2005 (sat)

went to watch Miss Congeniality2 at ps at 1.15 todae but i messed up n met at 1....lolx in e end only e front row seats were left,so we left and went to walk arnd ps...nth rrly much to see,but it was still enjoyable lolx :P
Shortly after drifting arnd,we went to play pool in e building across ps. e place was ald quite full so we had to wait,after talkin for awhile there was finally a table for us,omg the game was quite bad for me...maybe stressed cos e table was infront den ppl can see u play hahax i mis-shot quite afew balls =X den i learnt tt physics,yes physics,does infact help u alot when playing pool too,hahax cos someone did afew pro shots which tottally shocked me! *while applying physics concepts* hahas okok,maybe it's cos i'm not tt gd in pool :P
Den at 3+ we left n headed to amk,where we intended to go macritchie but when we got to amk it was rrly raining heavily so we decided to watch a movie at jubilee instead,yeah u guessed it rite...e show was non other then miss congeniality2!
We were abit early so we went the e arcade juz next to the cinema n played tis jarassic park like shooting game,hahas manage to survive e first few rounds den i died first,den i was passed e other gun n had to continue lolx! e game was quite fun,only thing is tt it makes ur hands very "suan" lolx keep bring e gun up n down n puling e trigger like mad...hahax
Hmm...after tt went for e show,it was quite a funny show,half e time was stuffing myself wif pop-corn tho hahax as a result was too bloated after e show,and e cinema was very very cold lolx our hands where like numb or sumthing X) afer e show it was almost dinner time so we took mrt home.yay got a new shirt hahax,thanks eh! =D had a great day

-Daniel (",


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