Sunday, March 27, 2005

sorry sorry...

Omg overslept todae...supposed to go for bball wif slack in e morning, zs even morning called me.Sry guys...was too damn tired :x
Slept until 10+ den didnt rrly do anything untill 2+...
Went to check on criteria in entering local uni courses...
Omg tio stun...most required a 'o' lvl pass in physics...n A maths...
suddenly got this urge to find mr ng lee huat n turn him into sumthing weird...
haix...nvm nvm,den i went to mug on chem again for awhile...
didnt last very long tho...
after which i used msn for abit,
den had a little miss-call incident which lightened up my day hahas X)
after tt zs came over to take e sr orientation shirt...said he didnt wanna waste $20 on e orientation package...damn budget :x lolx!
den i "used" him n asked him some chem Qs...turned out humiliating....cos he explained them until so "do-able" so dun u juz hate friends who r juz so damn smart? LoLx! juz kiddin!!! :x
Well tt's abt it for my day,will have more to write tmr cos tmr's pj's orientation n it ends at 6.15 =.=
Praying tt it'll be fun...

-Daniel -_-


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