Monday, December 19, 2005


Well its kinda sad to see zhi yuan hair becoming a disaster, well just had dinner with them at long house. had Otah Chicken Rice.. the Chicken's rice was lousy compared to Bishan's Kim Shan Leng. then i order 5 otahs, initally i thought the otahs was the small sized one.. never did i know that its the double size one.. fucking huge.. eat until almost die.. then me, tim, guan and lucius was sitting ar=t long house talking about F.E.A.R.. damn funny. well nothing really happened today. boring day. other then guan dyeing his hair.. well we shall see.. nights to all.

To zhi yuan:

Your hair is a disaster. Please wear Jeans and Sneakers everyday or u will look like a typical ah beng.


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