Monday, November 14, 2005


Today was boring.. monday blues..boring bus ride link to a boring mrt ride dues to the absentee of 162.. fuck 162 man.. from 6.50 wait to 7.15 no bus.. fuck SBS... hai.. then went to mrt.. was suprised as i only see ber there.. rare case.. but she always early but upstairs la.. then waited for justin.. feli took a cab... well headed to mac and pick gladys up.. then went to class.. we were on time.. thinking skill is lame.. yet fun.. lol.. today did some problemsolving question... quite intrestin..then went on to Electionics Fundamentals.. tis ELQ so dont expect much.. then lunch then ELG again but this time was waste time lesson.. opops not forgetting Gene.. his kinda our new quite a crappy but overall fun person.. basically our class are all crappy and lotsa fun.. lol.. then went on to Multimeda computing.. feels so Internet Apps.. no feelin for this course, aint feeling no shit.. then MATHS.. Holy.. i no need to elaborate.. its downright lame that is.. lessoned ended took mrt to bishan with jf and guan to play ghost squad.. got tr 14 liao.. lol.. daniel WATCH OUT!!! lol.. Ownage.. well reached home around 5.3- bathe.. on my monitor(i dont switch off my com.. only my chatted on msn then now i am here doing MATHS HW!!!. HOORAY!! 5 more to go!! I CAN DO IT!!!! btw thx eve for the help or else maths is shit. lol


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