Friday, January 27, 2006

New Year's Eve

Well today is new year eve.. had a "reunion dinner" yesterday at Rj place yesterday night.. well was supposingly to be eating at this restaurant.. but it was closed.. decided to go to a western food call UNO and it was closed too.. then Fang Kee.. closed.. and EVEN THE FRIED HOKKIEN MEE ALSO CLOSED!!! wtF? in the end spent 2hr walking around before decided to order KFC to rj's house to eat.. well.. spend quite a night out eating. well the part home was most dreaded.. lol.. walked all the way out to take bus.. ber, glad and ken took cabs so they followed us too.. in the end cio guan and justin left.. and i stayed behind and waited for cabs with the girls.. haha.. ken and glad had a hard time taking cab.. in the end we all walked to Prata house there and ken dad sent us home..haha... ken should have call her dad to fetch at the first place in the end reach home at about 1 am.. then cihong wow with zx before going to sleep.. well so tired now.. and now installing CS1.6 for maybe the CLAN..

Anyway.. the pictures can be downloaded at Pictures


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