Friday, January 20, 2006

Stressed out

I am totally stressed out.. Yesterday was a horrible night.. shall not think so much.. well went to school as usual today.. dmd lab was as usual boring.. doing some stupid stuffs.. Authorware 6.5 which will be phase out soon.. so lame.. learn and phase out.. the dragon year people so suay.. then had maths lesson today.. was talking with xiang, ber, glad, ken and feli aout some horoscope.. well too boring u see. then i saw the seventeenbook.. read liao think quite true sia.. but hai.. shall not think too much then during java lesson the few of us left and went to atrium to watch some perfomace.. well skiped java and he thought arrays.. well gonna read up on it now..many projects due 2 more weeks and a few in a mth time.. time to struggle for my projects and studies man.. i go eat dinner liao.

Now listening to Glamorous Sky - Mika Nakashima


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