Thursday, December 22, 2005

Holland F.T.W. and 3 days

Its been long since i drank a heiny. Was at Rocky Master@Cathay Cineleisure where i ordered a Heinken. guan, ber and glad had a sip. but i did not allow feli to drink cuz i scare she mabo.. anyway. watched chicken little today. $7 for a 1hr 15min show. total waste of money and time. but was quite funny la.. some parts startle me. lol.. its BS.. then went down to rocky master where i had my heiny and some sandwich. its was good. relax at the place and was talking bs to guan. while the girls fooling with thier own self.. and also.. ber bought a stuffed bear again.. waht Buubuu.. dunno whats the name lar.. haha then gladys bought a glow in the dark earring and a cup for her sis.. lol.. while i bought nothing home.. it started to drizzle after awhile but stopped soon. rushed to the busstop and took a bus home (like duhh).. well i am tired.. early sleep FTW..


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