Thursday, July 06, 2006

Defining Mature

School was boring today same old thing over and over again. anyway today after entre lesson bern glad and me went to ask the entre teacher on how to improve. what he say about me left me speechless. He said i wasnt a confident speaker! omg i cant take that man. but i must say i think today the people i am presenting to abit different make me abit uneasy.. haha then going on to what teacher said to gladys.. he said her way of presenting abit childish.. hmmmmm... bwg

now to think about being mature can some one define to me how can a person be matured? If the topic didnt even pop, i would even have thought about how to be mature. its really hard to define mature. u mean u define mature by ur actions or by the way u talk? or maybe by the way u think can make u childish? gladys ask me what is matured. i thought for very long and still dunno how to give her an answer. till now i still duno lol.. i know it sounds abit dumb. maybe i should get to interview a few people like feli to tell me whats childish and whats matured?

can someone define mature to me pls? lol.

pls post solution in my comments? lol
Now listening to Is this feeling love - Tommy February6


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