Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Blogging seems to be like a monthly thing for me now. Lol. well much had happened since but i shall not talking about it. haha 1 mth. and so much stuffs. never did i suffer so much in a month. well nothing to whine about too. haha so many rumors and so little answers.. lol.. anyway been so tired recently that got no mood to do anything.. nothing seems to please me now. not even wow.. wow makes me feel so tired when playing too..

its getting harder and harder to please me lol. everyday seems so moodless. and no i am not dulan or what i just dont feel like talking or shit.. haiz.. wanna do lotsa things but yet so little time. sounds so pessmistic.. aiya dunno what to say liao. see you maybe next month or something? haha.. anyway we are neulcom lar if u got read lol


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