Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Giant Burger > Yee Kai

Few days ago.. went to eat new york new york, the new restaurant that just opened up at city link.. well kinda a terrible experience.. u will know why..

k.. nyny's menu quite cool.. designed as a newspaper then inside it there are small notations just as super sinful, vegetarian and something else i forgot.. then i saw this burger with a small word SUPER SINFUL beside it.. i was like thinking when wasnt burger sinful? then i see the rest of the burger not sinful.. this burger must be sinful and i tried.. well..... heres a look of how it looks like:

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looks small no? well its gonna show its true form now.. behold....
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wow! burger as big as my hand! this is rare! lol..

anyway i was as hungry as an african kid that day so i didnt cared about the size and ate it.. but..

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i suddenly feel like i was fighting while i was eating.. something new i experinced.. lol

but in the end i raised my white flag and surrendered...

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well.. nyny's food portion is as big as a fucking africa elephant. wel.. if ur as hungry as an african kid.. new york new york is definetly the place for u..

well.. i am bored so 熊 with me...

Now listening to: Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake.. Endless loop in my playlist since theres only one song..


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