Thursday, March 08, 2007

weeeeeeeeee everyone miss me rite.. so here i am!

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cute me in my ROBOT costume!

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BLACK riding hood!!

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dumb me n the prettiest n cutest gal on earth!!

so yupz... now i guess u guys rmb me areadi right.. jus to refresh ur memory again i shall describe for u all..

i am..

i like to rub my dirty laptop with a tiny piece of tissue
i love penguin tissues!
i like to do stupid things
i love to shit
i like black, white and grey!
i like to fart n let gladys listen to it
i like to fart extremely loud n say it's not me!
i dun like to wear underwear to slp
i dun comb my hair becos they are hay anyway
i like to bully gladys
she is nice to bully
i love it when i see her cry for help
i like to make fun of stupid ppl
i love my father, mother and sister
i love my mama the most

after knowin so much, u guys still love me rite... I NOE!

i'm jus soooooo terribly irresistable!