Saturday, October 07, 2006

un-rust the rust with rusteze

since u guys say i should update my blog. OK i update it today with picutres and words. this morning woke uop 9 am then start to prepare to go out liao. went to a job interview with my sis jt and wilson. then after that my sis went to look for my mama while i stayed behind with jt and wil. the first thing we did was eat because we were all hungry. then after eating at food court we went kfc and sit, bought a LARGE mountain dew which cost $2.15 and sat down and play dai dee. play play play until 4+ we decided to leave and walk around.. then not long later ck came and join us.. after he came we all went to Toy'r'us and started doing SOMETHING REALLY STUPID. I GOT TO SAY I REALLY FELT RETARDED. anyway i going to show it later of the part of my blog. then after going toy r us we walk out of suntec and went walking to Singapore river. JT wanted to take some pics.. then bo pian accompany her go take photo. then while walking we passed by Padang and we felt like we were in genting highlands. it looks so hazy it have the some hazy feeling as genting. then finally we reach and she started taking photos for her project then not long later i called gladys and she met up with my sec school friends too. btw she is stupid. really stupid but i shall not say why. then after that we all left for sengkang and eat. but ck and jt left so left gladys wilson and me. thenwilson called darren and we all went to eat at pizza hut and started crapping there.


i think like what feli said. the haze killed by brain cell. doing something i never do before. well guys below 18 yrs old dont scroll down and see. and for people with weak hearted exempt urself too. not for the weak hearted ok?

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Pretty me? no?

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My sistaz and me. lol

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i got the kek sai look. again lol

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become dragon ball liao

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rockers.. LOL

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King kong wrecks TOY'R'US!

hope u guys enjoyed this stupid post of me acting cute and cool. well not really rool but well asiudhvnaofh.. nvm.. dunno what to say.. ENJOY!


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