Sunday, March 27, 2005

Rough Day

comments, comments and comments.. got lotsa comments saying that my our blog is tooooooo simple.. arghfuk.. what ya expect things that r upz for 2 days.. never lets skip that and get to me.. yes me..

okay.. aint a good day today.. woke up by my cuz as he was at my hse at 9.. yes 9.. i was like wtf r u at my place.. go home and play ur com.. then he told me that his mum was here to give stuffs to my mum.. so i went to wash my face and he demanded me to play xbox with him.. in the end his gf called and in turn became me playing alone.. he and his gf were real weird.. his gf start asking weird question like when i die where will u bury me.. then she start saying mandai* is cool.. maybe when i am a ghost i can got mandai too so i wont be bored.. wtf.. then she said how about lim chu kang*.. the hill scenery are good.. wtf is there any scenery there??? she is nuts.. then not long they left.. great.. quality sleeping time again.. so i took a small nap then went out for lunch.. yes i skipped breakfast.. maybe i can supposingly say i took brunch.. anyway was really nice after all.. kway chap* for brunch.. then i started playing games and download animes again.. then it was raining outside.. then i remembered i have to meet a guy and pass him $100 at ard 6 oclock at j8.. i bought 2 supreme tees from him..

well i met that guy and then went to the movies with wilson and darren.. after the show we went to eat ramen.. i ate this volcano ramen with this 4 chilli rating saying ULTRA spicy.. well it smelled spicy but it was still ok.. but now my lips are a bit swollen, but not like yy* lips.. anyway now i am back home again.. downloading stuffs off the net again.. will get ya readers posted.. end..

Ky terminolgy- Mandai- A road name also a famous location for tourist as the Singapore Zoo is there, and also a famous place for dead people to put their ash too.
Lim Chu Kang - A road name also a famous place for people to be buried there. a.k.a Lim Chu Kang Cemetry.
Kway Chap - This is a Singapore local delicacy. It is made from dough and shaped into square shap. it is put into some kinda of black gravvy and is a suitable food for old people to eat as it is soft and can be easily digested.
YY - YY is the acrynom of this guy from my class. His name is Tan Yong Yuan so i made it easy by calling him YY. This game called YY have very thick lips, although he is asian, i really dun understand why he have thick lips. he is also quite welledknow for his monkeyly act.. he act as a class monkey in our class. BTW Yong Yuan has also the same pronuciation as forever in chinese.

~Ky' Ciel Bleu


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