Thursday, February 02, 2006

LFM Time

Sian.. now really no time for bs.. everyday is work ur ass off.. study.. project study.. eat.. project.. sleep.. abit lifeless... project stack up maybe taller than everone out there.. hai.. now left 2 project.. Java and DMD.. DMD is a pain in the ass..s till thinking of how i want mine to be done.. i think its like an impossible task for now.. still lost and dunno what to do.. anyway today class ended at 10am so went over to wee nam kee at novena mrt there to eat chicken rice.. ok lar.. not very good and not very bad.. well then went home and sleep.. woke up not long after starting wowing and now i want to sleep liao.. nights ppl.

Now listening to She's Hearing Voices - Bloc Party


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