Saturday, March 18, 2006


this few days very bored.. 3 days ago went to the xbox 360 release at Red Dot Museum at maxwell road.. definetly a cool place.. got to try out lotsa xbox360 games.. PGR3.. Perfect dark.. well saw lotsa celebrity too.. like Dennis Keller, Melody Chen.. and a few MTV doods.. well then went to take my 360.. brought it home wired it and got so depressed.. such a failure man.. mircosoft didnt make it a blast like the other xbox.. wanted to play old games he tell me buy harddisk..then want to paly online he tell me buy wirless card.. then want play 2 player he tell me buy controller.. then harddisk $145, Wireless hard $65 and controller $60.. add together atleast $270.. just to player together and play old game? not worth it man.. haiz anyway daniel this few days abit crazy.. here :
| Session Start: 17 March 2006 |
| Participants: |
| ...? :?: :?: ? :?: :?: ? :?: :?: ? :?: ( |
| ?endless illusions ( |
[22:31:46] ?endless ill: ykkkk
[22:31:51] ?endless ill: wad r u doin?
[22:32:02] :?: ? :?: :: nothing
[22:32:03] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:32:05] :?: ? :?: :: why u so sianz
[22:32:18] ?endless ill: jus finish writeing a 4 page essay ._.
[22:32:23] :?: ? :?: :: wow
[22:32:24] ?endless ill: brain hibernating lol
[22:32:25] :?: ? :?: :: 4 page
[22:32:34] :?: ? :?: :: 1k of words
[22:32:37] ?endless ill: lolx
[22:32:56] ?endless ill: nvr play xbox?
[22:33:04] ?endless ill: eh u bought xbox 360 degree?
[22:33:16] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:33:19] :?: ? :?: :: its xbox 360 lar
[22:33:22] :?: ? :?: :: ya bought it
[22:33:25] ?endless ill: LoL~
[22:33:28] ?endless ill: song nt?
[22:33:30] :?: ? :?: :: ok nia
[22:33:32] ?endless ill: u fk'in rich man..
[22:33:37] :?: ? :?: :: graphics good
[22:33:38] ?endless ill: i dun even hav ps2
[22:33:42] :?: ? :?: :: i bought for only 168
[22:33:53] ?endless ill: my com is my only pride n joy ma LoL~
[22:33:56] ?endless ill: man&*
[22:34:08] ?endless ill: wad new game?
[22:34:15] :?: ? :?: :: ridge racer 6 and kameo
[22:34:16] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:34:24] ?endless ill: ... sounds alien to me lol
[22:34:42] * ?endless illusions has changed his/her name to ?screw
mugging, i'm off to slack
[22:34:44] :?: ? :?: :: kameo is free game
[22:34:52] :?: ? :?: :: rigdge racer is a racing game.. lol like duh
[22:35:02] ?screw muggi: cb...suan me..
[22:35:03] ?screw muggi: lolx
[22:35:09] :?: ? :?: :: hahaha
[22:35:32] ?screw muggi: WAHAHA! AH MY GODDESS SPECIAL 25,26 DL FINISH
[22:35:36] ?screw muggi: *drools*
[22:35:39] :?: ? :?: :: ,,,,
[22:35:43] :?: ? :?: :: i dun like that anime
[22:35:49] ?screw muggi: i LoVe anime
[22:35:53] ?screw muggi: all e cute cute girls
[22:35:55] ?screw muggi: and chio bus
[22:35:56] ?screw muggi: Lol!
[22:35:58] :?: ? :?: :: ....
[22:36:05] :?: ? :?: :: knn u otaku boy
[22:36:11] ?screw muggi: i abit high now lol, post-studying emo
[22:36:19] :?: ? :?: :: crazy son of a bitch
[22:36:21] :?: ? :?: :: hahahahahhaah
[22:36:24] ?screw muggi: like when u poping a champagne
[22:36:30] ?screw muggi: lolxx
[22:36:33] :?: ? :?: :: u going crazy
[22:36:41] :?: ? :?: :: i can sense
[22:36:43] ?screw muggi: nt go jialet la
[22:36:45] ?screw muggi: so*
[22:36:50] ?screw muggi: wao cb, my typying sux
[22:36:58] ?screw muggi: typing* =.="
[22:37:15] :?: ? :?: :: wahahaha
[22:37:16] :?: ? :?: :: me too
[22:37:21] :?: ? :?: :: my keybaord dun have letters one
[22:37:38] ?screw muggi: thats different yo...
[22:37:56] ?screw muggi: NB! GOT $$ BUY XBOX 360 NO MONEY CHANGE KEY
[22:38:02] :?: ? :?: :: can say so
[22:38:03] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:38:05] ?screw muggi: ..
[22:38:11] ?screw muggi: fk'er..
[22:38:26] :?: ? :?: :: no time go find
[22:38:28] ?screw muggi: i rather buy a new keyboard den xbox360 lor
=O lol
[22:39:33] ?screw muggi: 50 secs!
[22:39:42] ?screw muggi: 30!
[22:39:55] ?screw muggi: cccbbb the dl spd dropping =.=
[22:40:04] :?: ? :?: :: hahaha
[22:40:15] :?: ? :?: :: u getting gayer by the days
[22:40:19] ?screw muggi: YES COMPLETE!
[22:40:22] ?screw muggi: ..
[22:40:28] ?screw muggi: wtf..i aint no gay, i like girls
[22:40:29] ?screw muggi: lol
[22:40:43] ?screw muggi: i hate dicks other den the one i have
[22:40:43] ?screw muggi: Lol!
[22:42:51] ?screw muggi: ..
[22:43:00] ?screw muggi: ok the highness died down abit..
[22:43:05] ?screw muggi: i go watch ah my goddess..
[22:43:07] ?screw muggi: brb..
[22:44:22] ?screw muggi: ..
[22:44:40] ?screw muggi: talk to me, tell me your name, you blow me up
like it's all the same
[22:44:45] ?screw muggi: ohh yeaa
[22:44:49] ?screw muggi: she bangs she bangs~
[22:45:01] :?: ? :?: :: fuck ur crazy
[22:45:01] ?screw muggi: ok tt was uber lame
[22:45:09] :?: ? :?: :: i going to post in my block
[22:45:11] :?: ? :?: :: blog
[22:45:12] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:45:13] ?screw muggi: lol jk, kk dun ji siao u liao
[22:45:19] ?screw muggi: lol jk, kk dun ji siao u liao
[22:45:26] ?screw muggi: brb...ah my goddess..
[22:45:34] ?screw muggi: oei
[22:45:36] ?screw muggi: it's BLOG
[22:45:38] ?screw muggi: not BLOCK
[22:45:39] ?screw muggi: LoL!
[22:45:50] ?screw muggi: oh u corrected urself
[22:45:55] :?: ? :?: :: ...
[22:45:55] ?screw muggi: ok nvm, ignore the last 3 msg
[22:46:00] :?: ? :?: :: ur gone insane
[22:46:02] :?: ? :?: :: loony
[22:46:04] :?: ? :?: :: crazy
[22:46:05] ?screw muggi: ..
[22:46:16] :?: ? :?: :: u watch too much looney tunes
[22:46:28] ?screw muggi: side effect for shifting to sembawang; too
far from hougang shalet lol
[22:46:34] ?screw muggi: chalet*
[22:46:40] ?screw muggi: fk my typing really sucks
[22:46:48] ?screw muggi: shalet? wtf? lol
[22:46:48] :?: ? :?: :: lol
[22:46:58] :?: ? :?: :: go watch ur fuckin anime lar
[22:47:05] :?: ? :?: :: and drool infront of it
[22:47:11] ?screw muggi: cccbbb! it rocks ok! dun call it a fk'in
anime =.=
[22:47:49] ?screw muggi: nb... dun make me go ur hse n fk ur xbox360
260 degrees
[22:47:58] ?screw muggi: 360 degrees*
[22:48:05] ?screw muggi: ah sua, i go watch liao
[22:48:13] :?: ? :?: :: ur so on form ar
[22:48:19] :?: ? :?: :: funny ah boy
[22:48:38] ?screw muggi: np uncl
[22:48:40] ?screw muggi: uncle*
[22:48:49] ?screw muggi: tmd, my fingers smthing wrong
[22:48:55] ?screw muggi: keep typing shit words
[22:49:22] :?: ? :?: :: /butt
[22:49:31] :?: ? :?: :: ass wipes
[22:50:35] ?screw muggi: u fk'en sickening ero jiji...
[22:50:50] ?screw muggi: stop polluting my mind with ur hentai icons
[22:50:51] ?screw muggi: lol!


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