Tuesday, March 29, 2005


its been days since i had good sleep.. everyday sleep late wake up early go out.. real hectic this days. sorry wasnt able to post yesterday. was real busy. well part of it i was lazy. alright today i went to tp to appeal for the course. gave the clerk lotsa stuffs and also a written letter. hand written in particular. well my handwriting is bs, as for those who saw my handwritting b4 u will understand what i meant. well then after going to tp i headed down to tm and century square and walk. saw shima shima. really tempted to buy it but didnt have my size. damn. now i know i gotta wear a size 13 for trainers. learning new things everyday. well then i headed to quessway shopping center to check out dissendent. a shop selling dope stuffs and some porter stuff. was looking for this particular wallet call black beauty monogram by head porter. its real nice. well i think only surrender have it and it retails at $180. i dunno whether i shld spent on a wallet that cost so much. anyway i saw artworks of The Killer Gerbil today. he is some kinda of propagandist that is trying to spread his art. he do some nice art work. i am posting some pictures below.

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this picture was featured in magazine PLAY in Volume 1 issue 3.

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KUDOS to The Killer Gerbil.

~Ky'Ciel Bleu


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