Tuesday, April 05, 2005

late? nah..

wow ytd rocked,
sch ended at 12.30,
met slack ltr in e day for movie at arnd 4+,
watched hse of furry,quite funny las

after tt we went hougang plaze to plae dota until like 9+
lol pretty lame...took an hour plus to finish 1 game...
but still..it was fun

it was juz nice to be hanging arnd wif them las..
cos it's been awhile since we last went out..

hmm...klobe up nxt? LoL~
man..damn suay...timetable out todae..
my chem teacher is...
shotgunner... *his crash course chem lect damn power,fast until u dunno wad hit u* =/
yea`...my whole class tio stun...den juz now sat tru his make-up lect again...
same lor...sianz...
my class now decide to grp study chem...cos our teacher so "dependable"

dear chem tutor,
if ur reading dis..hoho i'm definately gonna hav alot to ask u lolx :p

lolx anywae,gtg bathe..juz got home :x


Monday, April 04, 2005

More DVDs!!

Well recently i have been scouting around for many dvds. now i finally got samurai champloo. then i saw the dvd of samurai 7 too, then i bought that too. then yesterday i went to buy gunslingers girls dvd and also Mr brother, a korean movie, and Scary movie 3, thats some kick ass LMAO show. well anyway i been slacking the whole day except i went to simlim with wilson to bought his wireless adapter. then i went to grab those dvd. well thats all about today.

~Ky'Ciel Bleu

Now listening to Like a Foojin - Beck

Friday, April 01, 2005


E saying,
"u wun treasure it until u lose it"
is so damn true..
back when i was still in sr,
i was like "sian...hope 3 months pass soon,sr sux.."
I SO regret saying that...
simply becos..sr dun sux...infact it rox...
days there were so enjoyable,good friends,OG mates..
i so miss days wif them..
even guys like shen yean.. (A.K.A I.B :x)
he was e main source of humour,crapping abt almost anything n everything
nxt was ka cheong..gr8 friend,we 4 were alwaes together,anywhere n everywhere lolx
even those ppl in my class whom i seldom talk to are friendly..
(well they LOOK n SEEM like.. :x) lolx

next...i seriously seriously miss INFERNO 8..
best OG man` lolx
we had wad? 6 guys n 14 gals? (guys in sr r quite scarce :p)
first 2 days we were quite dead,did alot of stuff together tho
e cheers rock man...miss em...e mass dance was also great..
on e last dae of orientation...my god..i dunno wad hit us..
we were all like suddenly so enthu,so hyped up lol
won MOST of e station games lolx >=D (we seriously rocked`)
made quite afew good friends,life would hav been dull w/o them ;)

Hope to meet up wif u guys one dae...
miss u all...
srj-ians 4va...

"Lead us all to glory..
a glory to be told..
every step we take,

challenges ahead,
we turn them all to gold,

learning for tmr
we find our dreams todae,
reaching out along the wae,
lending a hand,
being a friend,
growing each dae

We lead her to glory
Our best in all we do
Srjc all for u,
ur call is ours too!"

lol,enjoy :p
cya guys arnd~

-Daniel >.<"

Dead tired..

Sry for nt blogging recently...
was quite tied up wif jc life...
make-up lessons here n there,
ok,it isnt rrly that stressful YET,
BUT e lectures drag tru out e day,
meaning 1 could be 1h or so ltr..lame..
my worst day was on fri..lessons ended so damn early,
like 11+
but we could only leave sch at 12.30,
guess wad? make-up lecture for chem & econs HAD to start at 2..
econs was ok...chem was insane...
e lecturer damn pro...flash solutions to first 3 months notes,
when we're those who WEREN'T there for first intake..
"Back titration,Dilution" half e time (ok ALL the time..) i was like "WtF??"
man...seriously pray tt he ISN'T my chem tutor...

e killer in going pj is e 1h30min+ ride home...
man it kills...
so tired..so long..so bored..
cck to bishan MRT,den 156 all e way to hougang green...
ok,1 thing gd abt bishan,
so far saw roland n art classmate from sr..
i seriously dunno y...but..
seeing them make me feel better...somehow...
memories juz start flowing back :)
guess i'm still not adapting to pj...e place is juz so foreign...

okok friday was april fool's day,
hahas received a interesting msg,
i was so sian-ded on e mrt den it came
lol i was like smiling ear to ear after i read it...hahas
*must hav looked rrly spastic on e train lol :x*
"Guinness World Record Holder" eh! hahas
but i agree las hahas :P

missing all my friends out there..
go frequent bishan often during weekdays..
so i'll hav a higher chance of seeing u guys..
LoLx! :P

P.S: i didnt drool all over my bed,dear "guinness record holder" hahas
cya peeps arnd yea`

-Daniel :x

Klobe falling apart

today is friday. students around singapore love friday. they can sleep late. go out till its late and get online till its midnight. then it comes sauraday, which is tml where they can wake up late. well for me everyday is the same. i can sleep at 1, 2 or maybe 3 at some ocassions. while i wake at about 8 or 9 the nextday. although i dont have school i still wake up early for nothing i can say.. its kinda boring nowdays. candice and daniel are having thier jc. while ppl like choon kiat and jia tee, i got no news of them at all. its been about 3 week since i saw them.. maybe klobe is falling apart. everyone is doing their own stuffs. well.. this is life.. anyway tml got drum lessons.. actually it was today but he was not free so he shifted it to tml at 5.. well i stocked up on a few drums sticks. now i got 3 pairs of zildjian drums sticks. all are artist series. 1 is by Travis marker, Blink 182 drummer, then the other 2 are tim alexander and shin otto if not wrong..

well getting sian.. DANIEL START BLOGGING!!

~Ky'Ciel Bleu

Now listening to Reloaded - Chiba Tsunemi Taken from Beck Original Sound Track "BECK" from anime Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.