Friday, April 01, 2005

Dead tired..

Sry for nt blogging recently...
was quite tied up wif jc life...
make-up lessons here n there,
ok,it isnt rrly that stressful YET,
BUT e lectures drag tru out e day,
meaning 1 could be 1h or so ltr..lame..
my worst day was on fri..lessons ended so damn early,
like 11+
but we could only leave sch at 12.30,
guess wad? make-up lecture for chem & econs HAD to start at 2..
econs was ok...chem was insane...
e lecturer damn pro...flash solutions to first 3 months notes,
when we're those who WEREN'T there for first intake..
"Back titration,Dilution" half e time (ok ALL the time..) i was like "WtF??"
man...seriously pray tt he ISN'T my chem tutor...

e killer in going pj is e 1h30min+ ride home...
man it kills...
so bored..
cck to bishan MRT,den 156 all e way to hougang green...
ok,1 thing gd abt bishan,
so far saw roland n art classmate from sr..
i seriously dunno y...but..
seeing them make me feel better...somehow...
memories juz start flowing back :)
guess i'm still not adapting to pj...e place is juz so foreign...

okok friday was april fool's day,
hahas received a interesting msg,
i was so sian-ded on e mrt den it came
lol i was like smiling ear to ear after i read it...hahas
*must hav looked rrly spastic on e train lol :x*
"Guinness World Record Holder" eh! hahas
but i agree las hahas :P

missing all my friends out there..
go frequent bishan often during weekdays..
so i'll hav a higher chance of seeing u guys..
LoLx! :P

P.S: i didnt drool all over my bed,dear "guinness record holder" hahas
cya peeps arnd yea`

-Daniel :x


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