Friday, April 01, 2005


E saying,
"u wun treasure it until u lose it"
is so damn true..
back when i was still in sr,
i was like "sian...hope 3 months pass soon,sr sux.."
I SO regret saying that...
simply dun sux...infact it rox...
days there were so enjoyable,good friends,OG mates..
i so miss days wif them..
even guys like shen yean.. (A.K.A I.B :x)
he was e main source of humour,crapping abt almost anything n everything
nxt was ka cheong..gr8 friend,we 4 were alwaes together,anywhere n everywhere lolx
even those ppl in my class whom i seldom talk to are friendly..
(well they LOOK n SEEM like.. :x) lolx

next...i seriously seriously miss INFERNO 8..
best OG man` lolx
we had wad? 6 guys n 14 gals? (guys in sr r quite scarce :p)
first 2 days we were quite dead,did alot of stuff together tho
e cheers rock man...miss em...e mass dance was also great..
on e last dae of god..i dunno wad hit us..
we were all like suddenly so enthu,so hyped up lol
won MOST of e station games lolx >=D (we seriously rocked`)
made quite afew good friends,life would hav been dull w/o them ;)

Hope to meet up wif u guys one dae...
miss u all...
srj-ians 4va...

"Lead us all to glory..
a glory to be told..
every step we take,

challenges ahead,
we turn them all to gold,

learning for tmr
we find our dreams todae,
reaching out along the wae,
lending a hand,
being a friend,
growing each dae

We lead her to glory
Our best in all we do
Srjc all for u,
ur call is ours too!"

lol,enjoy :p
cya guys arnd~

-Daniel >.<"


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