Monday, May 30, 2005

Girl frmo Life sciences

Today was pretty fun. first day of school and well learned nothing but a few malay words caused english lesson is screwed.. The paper said to translate the following sentences: Makan already? The science paper so hard sure Koyak. The comm skills paper so kacang.. Wtf man.. bullshit.. but well i saw a girl today that i could not let my eyes off here.. she was quite my type, pretty tall and cute too.. though shes only average looking but she send me chills down my spine haha.. from life sciences wor... same class as C*****.. wahaha.. will question her if got the intention to go after her but she look older than me i must say.. but pretty decent and mos important my type..

well watched madagascar today.. nothingspecial though only woke up on the last few parts too watch it.. too tired.. well another day ppl..



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