Friday, May 27, 2005


wow..lost interest in blogging for abit huh?..
hahas anyway we're back..
well sort of.. chem paper back today... 17.5/30... =.="
depressing lol
when today was basically tiring,as usual..
had ODAC until 6,i was seriously so tired that i rushed my butt home...
sry for appearing to have AP (i dont have it ok... :x)
was just exhausted...

Wahaha! june holidays are here...finally...
sad to say,first 2 weeks fully booked by school.. -___-"
part n parcel of life i guess...

Hey all ppl out there!
I'm missing u all terribly!
cant wait to meet up wif u all again...

till then,take care!

` d a n i e l . .


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