Saturday, December 31, 2005

Sorry ANG MOHS.. its 06 here..

Well.. what can i say? its 06 now.. 05 passed like a blink of an eye.. it didnt notice lucius said.. heh 06 liao.. wow.. 06.. alright now i needa get a list of things i needa do.. Buy some Bape tees and some Jeans.. maybe get myself more b**r too.. alright guys.. rock on..


Now Listening to 五月天- 恋爱ING

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Die, dieing, died...

Just had 4 hrs of Lan gaming.. fun but brain straining.. had CS first.. played 4v3.. Zhi xiang, RJ, Guan and me VS Tim, Lucius and Justin.. well the team was quite even so we had lotsa fun.. there was no such thing as one side losing like 10-0.. well all was 10-9, 10-11.. was fun lar.. then Darren and gang came and we had a friendly.. was with darren's team.. well.. was fun lar.. although i did nothing.. then played quake 4 after that.. play until headache.. going to die soon lar.. cant type any more.. getting serious headache liao.. arr. i want my beer.............

Now listening to My mum telling me to sleep

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The 3 Beers and the Oreo.. HIC!

Sibei song.. just had 3 cans of heiny and a fake oreo.. actually wanted to wait until 1 am play wow one.. i dont think i can make it liao.. now abit spinning.. seeing stars if i dont sleep soon.. wahaha.. now got flu.. but drank some beer and felt better.. got some heat.. hahaha.. i think i will become a alcholic soon.. but that will not happen in a few years down the road.. haha.. needa sleep liao.. eys cupping soon.. lol

Now Listening to Depend on you - Ayumu Hamasaki

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Yesterday @ Orchard + Christmas = Sufferings

Yesterday night i went down to orchard with wilson to walk around and looks for our friend who were selling christmas caps. well at 7+ the place was not really crowded then it was about 9+ where it starts to get crowded.. there was damn lot of people there. people were running about holding those "snow" cans and spraying around.. got sprayed quite a few times and saw lotsa chio bu. then at about 10+ i called gladys and we met up at taka and went to walk for a while.. then she left at about 11+ and i waited for guan to come. fuck he make me wait like an idiot wihtout telling me he will be let off late. met him and left for tim's house. reached that and was very exhausted. drank beer and a vodka. and got pretty tired.. slept on his bed for like 30 mins before leaving and getting home. by right i wanted to go home bathe and get out at 8+ for justin's baptism stuffs.. in the end i woke up at 3pm and missed it.. so sorry justin.. well i didnt sleep the day before.. so was very tired.. well now. Just got home after eating at changi village with my parents. WoW, the food is totally NAPSHOT. eat until damn song. we ordered bbq stingray, Lar lare, Baby brocolli, sotong and a STEAM CRAB. the crab was sibei song and the chilli was damn song too.. wahaha.. then afer having dinner, my parents suggested to go walk around and see if got gays anot.. well, walked and found no gays. after that we left and went to eat air(jia hong = cruising). Drived arond changi airport.. wow i must say the road was damn straight and definetly a good palce to race..opps. lol.. after changi we went to geylang and look at prostitues too.. lol.. saw lotsa Old chicken.. totally disgusting.. haha.. after that we elft and got home.. haha was full.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

Its christmas. Merry Christmas to all. Just got home tired. later then i say what happened..


6 PM. 6 to go.

Christmas gonna happen in 6 hrs time.. well have not slept since yesterday.. been wowing since yesterday 1am. then half we we found this Chinese Farmer.. totally hilarious stuffs happened.. almost died laughing.. then also UBRS.. 1 run 2 ninjas 4 leeroy.. how suay can i go.. the end gave up.. had a nap wake up UBRS again.. this timeno ninja.. happy.. lol..

well i now preparing to go orchard and see see.. then later go tim's house party. prpeare for 2 days non-stop action man.. woot. see ya later.

btw watch this Lame Dancing Video

Now listening to Da Pump - Ryu Style

Thursday, December 22, 2005

X-box 360 commercial i been talking about.

X-Box 360 Commercial

Holland F.T.W. and 3 days

Its been long since i drank a heiny. Was at Rocky Master@Cathay Cineleisure where i ordered a Heinken. guan, ber and glad had a sip. but i did not allow feli to drink cuz i scare she mabo.. anyway. watched chicken little today. $7 for a 1hr 15min show. total waste of money and time. but was quite funny la.. some parts startle me. lol.. its BS.. then went down to rocky master where i had my heiny and some sandwich. its was good. relax at the place and was talking bs to guan. while the girls fooling with thier own self.. and also.. ber bought a stuffed bear again.. waht Buubuu.. dunno whats the name lar.. haha then gladys bought a glow in the dark earring and a cup for her sis.. lol.. while i bought nothing home.. it started to drizzle after awhile but stopped soon. rushed to the busstop and took a bus home (like duhh).. well i am tired.. early sleep FTW..

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

4 days and I got Scammed

Was scammed by lim lay beng today.. initally was told by her to do attendance taking for the SPH survey thingy.. in the end our job got snatched by the club crawl ppl.. damn.. i was so naive to believe Lim lay beng ..nvm.. anyway kio alot of magazine home.. 2x NUYOU, Seventeen and Shape.. all free. so i sua..

Nvm.. everyone lets just enjoy while christmas and Common test is coming.

4 days and counting. CHEERS. opps

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

5 days till the jingle of the bell

Well 5 days and counting.. Festival of the year.. dunno whats gonna happen.. awaits.....

btw 1.9 is not out yet.

Now listening to Madonna - Hung Up

Monday, December 19, 2005


Well its kinda sad to see zhi yuan hair becoming a disaster, well just had dinner with them at long house. had Otah Chicken Rice.. the Chicken's rice was lousy compared to Bishan's Kim Shan Leng. then i order 5 otahs, initally i thought the otahs was the small sized one.. never did i know that its the double size one.. fucking huge.. eat until almost die.. then me, tim, guan and lucius was sitting ar=t long house talking about F.E.A.R.. damn funny. well nothing really happened today. boring day. other then guan dyeing his hair.. well we shall see.. nights to all.

To zhi yuan:

Your hair is a disaster. Please wear Jeans and Sneakers everyday or u will look like a typical ah beng.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

05 tribute

Think back of what happened this year.. There's too much think to account.. For the time i live till now.. this year had passed in a glimpse of an eye.. Got my job, quitted by job, Chingay, slack for 2 mths, learned drums, friends leaving to study overseas, got into a new school, made tons of new friends, enjoyed poly, National day, birthday, stop drums, WoW, holidays, new semester and last of all in 1 weeks time Christmas..
The christmas mood had still not reach me.. yesterday went to Orchard and supported Justin in his performance.. Ken's dad sent us to Novena and we took a MRT down.. then we met up with ber.. there were lots of event there, infact everyone corner of the rown is having an event, singing carols and lots of performance.. the amount of people however was not as expect.. there werent alot of people compared to last year and its not noisy or active at all.. i wished i could be working back at polo now.. yesterday when i went to talk to jeremy, had this sudden crave to go and work. earn some money and save it. then at about 8 pm we went to walk around orchard, walked from taka to forums then went to eat at zhi yuan's restaurant, Modesto, the pizza was delicous, the crust was thin and crispy compared to pizza hut's, then had a chicken boobs with black pepper sauce and wedges set. was good too. had a wonderful meal and left. and btw there was this exhibtion by this guy call Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth From Above, which was very beautiful. lotsa touching photos and also lotsa nice landscape photos. there was a display of 150 of his artwork.. something not to be missed for every one.. it was real nice.. it really took my breathe away.
well i am now awaitng for christmas.. hopes it enjoyable..

Phase 1 of new skin

I rip off blogger skin and added more stuffs in.. removed the banner and made one myself.. the banner is still 1-% done. gonna add more stuffs in.. gotta wait.. and yes i am going to change the pink font..


i lost some of my previous post.. but here it goes..

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wow.. nothing much happened.. except game everyday after school and poning some class.. heres a story to entertain all.. the cast is Felicia and Me.. for those who dunno who felicia is scroll down and look for the "peoples corner" pic.. thats her..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
send me the java files
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
my files and question 1
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:


You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\ from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:


You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\ from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:


You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\Guo Mei Mei - [Bu Pa Bu Pa] 01 - Bu Pa Bu Pa (Original Radio Remix).mp3 from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala sends:


You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\ from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
no more le

You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\ from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\Infketion\Desktop\JAVA\ from feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala.

★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i feel strange
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i smell the smoking smell
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
and few song
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
cigarettes smeel
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
no one smoke
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i smoking
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i just started smoking
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
just now my friend treat me
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
then i now abit addicted
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
wad the hell
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
its bad lorr
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
nope its not
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
it just spoils ur lungs
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feli tml i let u try want?
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
i hate smokin
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
its doesnt feel strange
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
yee kai
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u r mad
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i rml let u puff
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
dun smoke lahhh
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u realli smoke ahh
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
very bad lorr..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
just nw i go meet my friend
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
dun smoke lah
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
later ur finger all yellow yellow
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then ur lungs rotten
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then die earlier
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then smely smelly
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
wont la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
tml u smell got smell anot la
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
all the girls in our gang will go far far away frm u
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
cos all of us dun like smoke..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
things can adapt
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i give u ppl some time lor
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u siaooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i never sia
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
dont say i siao okay......
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
smokkin is bad
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ur friends and ppl ard u become passive smoker then they will die earlier
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
nt good
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
got friends to die with me earlier
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then left u alon in this world
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then u sadd
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
then u become cachat..
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
wont la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i will still have friends one
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
u will stlill be my friend right
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
all will die le
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
u haven ignore me
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u sure nt
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u nv bluff me ah
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
realli nt good lahh..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
be friends with me ok?
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
justin say u bluff me one..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i only tell u only leh
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ehh.. u dun smoke in front of me
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
tt y high possibility of u lying to me wad
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i dun smoke infront of u u be friends with me?
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
but u bluff me rite?
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ur daddy got smoke?
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
only me
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
smokin is expensive
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
ok la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
today i go buy

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
today i go buy

★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
y u suddenly offline
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
connection cut off
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
yk i still think u r lying to me
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u laugh until u fall down already rite
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
y u dun trust me
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ok lahh
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i trust u thats yu i only i tell u
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
u know
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
dun bluff. lorr.
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i only tell u
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
but y u want to smoke..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i dunno lee...
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ur eyes will rot ur lungs will rot
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
this kinda of stuffs hard to say
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
maybe i too stress la
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u stress wad
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
everyday WOW
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
no la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
stress of class
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u dunno then study lahh
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
ask timo ask justin
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
too much stuffs to study
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
slowly lor..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i cannot take it la
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
wad thing u dunno
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
alot of things
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
u so smart very faast can learn de lahh
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i where got smart
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
got lor..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
brb i go for a stick
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
so song
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
now can sleep better liao
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
where got so fast de..
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i go sleep liao la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
oh.. i threw the stick away
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
cuz i though my mama coming
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i faster threw it away
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
see u tml
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
let u try
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
bye bye
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
dun wan
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
dont tell anyone okay?
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
i tell justin le
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
wah lao
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
he say u bluff
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
y u tell him
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
cos i was talkin to him on the phone
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
i really not bluffing
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
okay la
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:
need to sleep liao
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
feLii ^_^ jingle bells!!!~~ lalala says:
★ (ºд º)(º ∀_º) (º _ º) (º _∀º)(º дº) ☆ says:


Ok update! Hmm.. yesterday had an early night. 8+ slept.. woke up today at 8.30.. went to play wow until 10 plus then went serangoon to have breakfast.. something that i had not done for like 2 months.. going out to eat breakfast with my parents.. while.. came back a while later and start wowing again.. today when to crossroads.. its a place where all noob horde players spawns.. then about 30-40 alliance players went over together and whooped thier ass.. but in the end wasnt really succesful in the end i teleported away cuz the alliance was totally a bunch of stupid excluding me and a few singaporean players.. then i went back to Searing gorge and complete all my quest.. then i think by then it was about 2.45pm or 3.. heesun asked if i wanted to go maruadon(maple players so called PQ) instance.. then i went.. we reached about 3 then was at the same time until 9.30!.. spent about 6 hrs there totally crazy.. then fool around inside.. then about 9.45 met guan for prata.. had a quick one.. but the most intresting thing happened wile having prata.. guan ask me eh.. this girl wanna meet me at tao payoh.. then i tell him fuck la.. so late the girl still wanna meet u.. so u always go out at night and fuck girls one la.. he tiam tiam.. lol.. then when we about to leave he called the girl.. too bad the girl didnt pick up her phone.. then now he bo pian must go home.. but i think now his out there with the girl.. say go home i think comfirm call the girl go out one.. GUAN U DESPERADO!! lol.. watch out man.. always use a condom.. aids can kill, so can u!.. well i just got home.. the breeze tonight quite cold... comfirm can sleep until song song.. wahahahaha..
Now listening to: Fort Minor - Where'D You
a few wow screenies
Killing dragons with heesun

This is what i call huge

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Today.. typical school day.. but was short.. DmD on first lesson(elq) then Electonics lecture.. wasnt paying attention.. lol.. dunno why sia.. cannot concentrate.. then it was break.. at first we went to south canteen and it was so bloody full then we thought Fj would be better but.. nope.. is FUCKING FULL too.. then ended up eating at macs.. well macs was screwed.. 10 person order.. 8 meals came back.. 2 meals missing but nvm.. i got my big mac! first time eating a big mac.. yes swaku la hor.. after macs went to electonics lab... was fun.. lol.. today played with the multimeter.. so cool.. then Lee Bee lian was next door.. we waved to her.. lol.. she was as usual very comical.. after lesson we went to ps for Exorcism of emily rose.. quite a nice show.. go catch it!.. anyway it was funny bernadine was called back all of a sudden.. lol.. damn.. too bad u miss the show.. its a must catch show!! after the show went to Bk to chill out with Justin and Guan.. talk about ourself and stuffs.. well felt better after saying so much stuffs.. haha.. then went home after that.. well been doing Commskills homework since i reached home.. damn lotsa shit to copy.. but i completed it!! haha.. tired liao la.. go sleep le.. bye people!
Now listening to - Do You Want To- Franz Ferdinand
