Friday, January 27, 2006

New Year's Eve

Well today is new year eve.. had a "reunion dinner" yesterday at Rj place yesterday night.. well was supposingly to be eating at this restaurant.. but it was closed.. decided to go to a western food call UNO and it was closed too.. then Fang Kee.. closed.. and EVEN THE FRIED HOKKIEN MEE ALSO CLOSED!!! wtF? in the end spent 2hr walking around before decided to order KFC to rj's house to eat.. well.. spend quite a night out eating. well the part home was most dreaded.. lol.. walked all the way out to take bus.. ber, glad and ken took cabs so they followed us too.. in the end cio guan and justin left.. and i stayed behind and waited for cabs with the girls.. haha.. ken and glad had a hard time taking cab.. in the end we all walked to Prata house there and ken dad sent us home..haha... ken should have call her dad to fetch at the first place in the end reach home at about 1 am.. then cihong wow with zx before going to sleep.. well so tired now.. and now installing CS1.6 for maybe the CLAN..

Anyway.. the pictures can be downloaded at Pictures

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

One Handed Ol'Tim

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Friday, January 20, 2006

Stressed out

I am totally stressed out.. Yesterday was a horrible night.. shall not think so much.. well went to school as usual today.. dmd lab was as usual boring.. doing some stupid stuffs.. Authorware 6.5 which will be phase out soon.. so lame.. learn and phase out.. the dragon year people so suay.. then had maths lesson today.. was talking with xiang, ber, glad, ken and feli aout some horoscope.. well too boring u see. then i saw the seventeenbook.. read liao think quite true sia.. but hai.. shall not think too much then during java lesson the few of us left and went to atrium to watch some perfomace.. well skiped java and he thought arrays.. well gonna read up on it now..many projects due 2 more weeks and a few in a mth time.. time to struggle for my projects and studies man.. i go eat dinner liao.

Now listening to Glamorous Sky - Mika Nakashima

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Sun Devoured by the Clouds

Totally did not see the sun for the whole day... Well 2 days ago went to Rj's birthday celebration.. then just now just finish Ley Yee's birthday celebration at a "chalat".. to me its more like a hotel room then a chalet.. 1 room size of a hotel and 2 beds.. well ok there a tv and a xbox with now games.. in the end me and ciO end up playing our psp and went to DM10th.. so boring.. anyway today the rain didnt stop till it was like few minutes ago.. everywhere was heavy rain.. i woke up at 9am this morning cuz was waken up by the splash of the rain.. then close my window and continued to sleep till 2pm.. i thought 2am liao sia.. cuz the sky so dark and my parents dua me say what eh kai, 2am liao.. i was like eh but i can still see people downstairs leh.. lol.. well the rain lasted so long that the cloud blocked the sun the whole day.. like kenna eaten by the cloud.. haha.. well anyway go play WoW liao.. nights people..

Now Listening to 火花 - Aiko

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Dunno what to put as my title as i am dead bored.. just tried Wow 1.... bloody bugged.. play also pek chek.. then well just reach home not long.. feel very tired.. just finished my maths common test.. dont think can score well.. well had Cafe Cartel with ciO and Rj today.. had Meat lover's sibei song.. well sit there and chat will them until about 9 then decided to leave.. will very tired now another day blog..

Now Listening to Franz Ferdinand - Walk Away