Monday, February 20, 2006

feLi punk'd

well today feli got punk'D by me with a few accomplice.. jf, tin, ber and a little help from glad.. hahaha.. the whole tihng was logged so i not sure whether i should post it anot.. hhaha.. please tell me if u dun want it to be posted.. hahaha.. give u 2days! post on my shoutbox.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Need inspirations

Well.. yesterday was Valentines day.. went out with my poly friends to suntec city. Well we met for lunch and then went for a movie, I not stupid too. Well very touching show.. it somehow reflects on how singaporean treats their children. Which i think is quite true on some parts.. Well after that we went to eat at Nydc.. well the pasta was okay, but the pizza was totally not okay.. U imagine mi jiang kueh( Chinese Peanut Pizza) made in pizza style.. it taste about the same except that it have cheese.. somehow awful.. after dinner we went up the fountain of wealth and took a few pictures.. left a while later.. well the only way home was via city link.. half way thru we went to HMW and i bought ken hirai's album! haha thx gladys for lending me money. wahaha.. return u asap.. well after that, we hit the raods and went home.. just when u thought its night and u can sleep.. nope u cant. i got my dmd projecy to complete.. spent quite some time trying to get my flash right.. haha.. and guess what.. in the end i forgot to save it.. wasted my time.. well anyway today started doing again but this time i saved.. hahahaha.. well now need to mug my comms skills.. hai.. see ya guys

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


The Legendary Ebisu

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Its 8 pm.. and i am at home

Shit i totally forgotten about this year's Chingay parade.. fuck man.. damn sad now..haiz.. bwg liao bb

Now listening to Give it - X-press2 feat Kurt Wagner

Thursday, February 02, 2006

LFM Time

Sian.. now really no time for bs.. everyday is work ur ass off.. study.. project study.. eat.. project.. sleep.. abit lifeless... project stack up maybe taller than everone out there.. hai.. now left 2 project.. Java and DMD.. DMD is a pain in the ass..s till thinking of how i want mine to be done.. i think its like an impossible task for now.. still lost and dunno what to do.. anyway today class ended at 10am so went over to wee nam kee at novena mrt there to eat chicken rice.. ok lar.. not very good and not very bad.. well then went home and sleep.. woke up not long after starting wowing and now i want to sleep liao.. nights ppl.

Now listening to She's Hearing Voices - Bloc Party

For zixiang