Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Same old shit again and again

Well today started school at 8 ended at 11. The tutorial was pretty ok. Mr Kor was a pretty Close 2 eyes person. haha. dont play attention he also dun mind. quite a nice person too. Didnt feel like sleeping in his letcure. ate lunch in school with Rj, Timo, Justin, Gladys, Bernadine and Ken². Then took mrt with Rj and Felicia, Rj alighted at Bradell well i went to Douby ghaut. Meet Pei Shan for movies, then saw 445 at arcade. haha. then we wacthed madagascar again.. haha.. i simply love the penguins and the Squrriel? I LOVE TO MOVE IT MOVE, I LOVE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT, I LOVE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT. WE LOVE TO [SIZE=25]MMOOOVVVVEEEEE IITTT!!!![/SIZE]..

WAHAHA... preetty fun to watch.. This is just some whacked up conspiracy lol..

love the penguins.. <3<3<3<3 wahaha

well then went to find some stuff for my fellow brother with ps at ps. ended up with 2 empties hand..

then on the way home i slept on the train but my mum called me at bradell station. heng, or else i will be at where liao? CCK? Jurong? wahaha.. mum called me to ask what to buy for dinner. so heng sia. well then on the way home i picked up eyeshield 21 bk12 and guildwars. haha.. bought guilds wars but did not install it.. lol.. so gay.. my com no space.. haha.. anyway i going to taiwan liao, go there buy hardisk.. lol.. well no worries my fellow sisters and brothers, will buy u gifts.. haha.. but do state anything on my shoutbox if u want something in particular.. anyway thats all for today.

Countdown for Taiwan trip: 8 DAYS!!!!


Now listening to BEAT CRUSADERS - Shiberian Giant(nice song!! props to my bro from frontal)

Monday, May 30, 2005

Girl frmo Life sciences

Today was pretty fun. first day of school and well learned nothing but a few malay words caused english lesson is screwed.. The paper said to translate the following sentences: Makan already? The science paper so hard sure Koyak. The comm skills paper so kacang.. Wtf man.. bullshit.. but well i saw a girl today that i could not let my eyes off here.. she was quite my type, pretty tall and cute too.. though shes only average looking but she send me chills down my spine haha.. from life sciences wor... same class as C*****.. wahaha.. will question her if got the intention to go after her but she look older than me i must say.. but pretty decent and mos important my type..

well watched madagascar today.. nothingspecial though only woke up on the last few parts too watch it.. too tired.. well another day ppl..


Friday, May 27, 2005


wow..lost interest in blogging for abit huh?..
hahas anyway we're back..
well sort of..
hmm..got chem paper back today... 17.5/30... =.="
depressing lol
when today was basically tiring,as usual..
had ODAC until 6,i was seriously so tired that i rushed my butt home...
sry for appearing to have AP (i dont have it ok... :x)
was just exhausted...

Wahaha! june holidays are here...finally...
sad to say,first 2 weeks fully booked by school.. -___-"
part n parcel of life i guess...

Hey all ppl out there!
I'm missing u all terribly!
cant wait to meet up wif u all again...

till then,take care!

` d a n i e l . .

Thursday, May 26, 2005

7 up ice

now sitting infront of my com(duh??) drinking my 7 up ice which i picked up today at the vending maching.. well today was totally no fun.. never play game, never go out, never do andthing significant.. well maybedrinking my 7 up ice?? lol.. well tml the day i go and buy my lecture notes.. hope school is wonderful for me.. but soo sad.. english is included in my module.. wtf man.. sad.. need to think on the bright side.. need to strive in poly.. i hope to hit top 10% so i cant slack off now.. need to work hard liao.. no more gaming till deep night and watching anime till late late.. well there is more sian and sian in my blog cause its really SIAN.. well another day man.. bye


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Today went to meet ley yee for lunch then went to ps play arcade with wilson.. then bought Star Wars Revenge of the Sith ame for the xbox.. well it was pure ownage as i completed it in about 4 hrs?? well i just completed it on the first day...nothing much then.. bb

Monday, May 23, 2005

A update.

Whoh.. so long since we updated. Well really nothing much had happened the last month except for last sat which was class gathering. it wasnt really class gathering, i thoughtof it as a collaborate between dudetitez and KLOBE.. KLOBE X Dudetitez... Lol.. only 2 grp of ppl.. the rest of them were in escape.. while K x D were cycling so lame.. then spent 36 dollars at X square.. no struggle man.. well another day.. need to go and bathe now.. and also school start on 30th may.. i cant wait..
