Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Well.. today was pure insanity.. went to SP concert with candice and her bro.. it was totally kick ass fun.. the concert had Pug Jelly for the opening performance. kudos to them.. they really played well.. then it was simple plan up for thier show.. i really rocked the whole stage. the floor was shaing and everyone was jumping around. even i was jumping. now u understand.

well then i bought a SP tee, at first i thought i was red so i bought it.. never did i knew it was pink.. wtf... now i am selling it.. interested party can gimme a shout out on the side of the blog. thx. well i will post a pic of it maybe tml.

~Ky'Ciel Bleu

Now listening to Belle Ame - Lost melody

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


its been days since i had good sleep.. everyday sleep late wake up early go out.. real hectic this days. sorry wasnt able to post yesterday. was real busy. well part of it i was lazy. alright today i went to tp to appeal for the course. gave the clerk lotsa stuffs and also a written letter. hand written in particular. well my handwriting is bs, as for those who saw my handwritting b4 u will understand what i meant. well then after going to tp i headed down to tm and century square and walk. saw shima shima. really tempted to buy it but didnt have my size. damn. now i know i gotta wear a size 13 for trainers. learning new things everyday. well then i headed to quessway shopping center to check out dissendent. a shop selling dope stuffs and some porter stuff. was looking for this particular wallet call black beauty monogram by head porter. its real nice. well i think only surrender have it and it retails at $180. i dunno whether i shld spent on a wallet that cost so much. anyway i saw artworks of The Killer Gerbil today. he is some kinda of propagandist that is trying to spread his art. he do some nice art work. i am posting some pictures below.

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this picture was featured in magazine PLAY in Volume 1 issue 3.

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KUDOS to The Killer Gerbil.

~Ky'Ciel Bleu

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Rough Day

comments, comments and comments.. got lotsa comments saying that my our blog is tooooooo simple.. arghfuk.. what ya expect things that r upz for 2 days.. never lets skip that and get to me.. yes me..

okay.. aint a good day today.. woke up by my cuz as he was at my hse at 9.. yes 9.. i was like wtf r u at my place.. go home and play ur com.. then he told me that his mum was here to give stuffs to my mum.. so i went to wash my face and he demanded me to play xbox with him.. in the end his gf called and in turn became me playing alone.. he and his gf were real weird.. his gf start asking weird question like when i die where will u bury me.. then she start saying mandai* is cool.. maybe when i am a ghost i can got mandai too so i wont be bored.. wtf.. then she said how about lim chu kang*.. the hill scenery are good.. wtf is there any scenery there??? she is nuts.. then not long they left.. great.. quality sleeping time again.. so i took a small nap then went out for lunch.. yes i skipped breakfast.. maybe i can supposingly say i took brunch.. anyway was really nice after all.. kway chap* for brunch.. then i started playing games and download animes again.. then it was raining outside.. then i remembered i have to meet a guy and pass him $100 at ard 6 oclock at j8.. i bought 2 supreme tees from him..

well i met that guy and then went to the movies with wilson and darren.. after the show we went to eat ramen.. i ate this volcano ramen with this 4 chilli rating saying ULTRA spicy.. well it smelled spicy but it was still ok.. but now my lips are a bit swollen, but not like yy* lips.. anyway now i am back home again.. downloading stuffs off the net again.. will get ya readers posted.. end..

Ky terminolgy- Mandai- A road name also a famous location for tourist as the Singapore Zoo is there, and also a famous place for dead people to put their ash too.
Lim Chu Kang - A road name also a famous place for people to be buried there. a.k.a Lim Chu Kang Cemetry.
Kway Chap - This is a Singapore local delicacy. It is made from dough and shaped into square shap. it is put into some kinda of black gravvy and is a suitable food for old people to eat as it is soft and can be easily digested.
YY - YY is the acrynom of this guy from my class. His name is Tan Yong Yuan so i made it easy by calling him YY. This game called YY have very thick lips, although he is asian, i really dun understand why he have thick lips. he is also quite welledknow for his monkeyly act.. he act as a class monkey in our class. BTW Yong Yuan has also the same pronuciation as forever in chinese.

~Ky' Ciel Bleu

sorry sorry...

Omg overslept todae...supposed to go for bball wif slack in e morning, zs even morning called me.Sry guys...was too damn tired :x
Slept until 10+ den didnt rrly do anything untill 2+...
Went to check on criteria in entering local uni courses...
Omg tio stun...most required a 'o' lvl pass in physics...n A maths...
suddenly got this urge to find mr ng lee huat n turn him into sumthing weird...
haix...nvm nvm,den i went to mug on chem again for awhile...
didnt last very long tho...
after which i used msn for abit,
den had a little miss-call incident which lightened up my day hahas X)
after tt zs came over to take e sr orientation shirt...said he didnt wanna waste $20 on e orientation package...damn budget :x lolx!
den i "used" him n asked him some chem Qs...turned out humiliating....cos he explained them until so "do-able" so dun u juz hate friends who r juz so damn smart? LoLx! juz kiddin!!! :x
Well tt's abt it for my day,will have more to write tmr cos tmr's pj's orientation n it ends at 6.15 =.=
Praying tt it'll be fun...

-Daniel -_-

Saturday, March 26, 2005


alright, today aint fun... been sleeping most of the time as i slept real late last morning and waked up real early..

i slept at 3 this morning.. woke up at ard 6 and went to shao mu(clean tomb).. then was back at about 11.. slept from 11.30 to 4.. then was watching yakitake japan till 6 then went to eat dinner with my parents and now i am here.. abit sian.. no.. is sian.. everyday sit infront of the com and start watching anime or i be xboxing in front of my tv.. the games are really getting quite sick.. same old thing again and again..

well i didnt go collect my tonite tee as i was too lazy.. i pushed it to monday at bugis.. well i can get to tp first to appeal then maybe head down there to collect my tee.. well might post the pictures of the tee later.. anyway i had been ordering lotsa tees recently.. the few below are roughly what i bought..

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i bought the light charcoal shirt and the olive SB..

i also bought some livestrongs tee, ya know.. the yellow band that everyone is wearing.. its getting so common that i feel i wasted buying that tee... anyway end here..

~Ky'Ciel Bleu

26-March 2005 (sat)

went to watch Miss Congeniality2 at ps at 1.15 todae but i messed up n met at 1....lolx in e end only e front row seats were left,so we left and went to walk arnd ps...nth rrly much to see,but it was still enjoyable lolx :P
Shortly after drifting arnd,we went to play pool in e building across ps. e place was ald quite full so we had to wait,after talkin for awhile there was finally a table for us,omg the game was quite bad for me...maybe stressed cos e table was infront den ppl can see u play hahax i mis-shot quite afew balls =X den i learnt tt physics,yes physics,does infact help u alot when playing pool too,hahax cos someone did afew pro shots which tottally shocked me! *while applying physics concepts* hahas okok,maybe it's cos i'm not tt gd in pool :P
Den at 3+ we left n headed to amk,where we intended to go macritchie but when we got to amk it was rrly raining heavily so we decided to watch a movie at jubilee instead,yeah u guessed it rite...e show was non other then miss congeniality2!
We were abit early so we went the e arcade juz next to the cinema n played tis jarassic park like shooting game,hahas manage to survive e first few rounds den i died first,den i was passed e other gun n had to continue lolx! e game was quite fun,only thing is tt it makes ur hands very "suan" lolx keep bring e gun up n down n puling e trigger like mad...hahax
Hmm...after tt went for e show,it was quite a funny show,half e time was stuffing myself wif pop-corn tho hahax as a result was too bloated after e show,and e cinema was very very cold lolx our hands where like numb or sumthing X) afer e show it was almost dinner time so we took mrt home.yay got a new shirt hahax,thanks eh! =D had a great day

-Daniel (",

Friday, March 25, 2005

New blog.. staring me and daniel.. BS

Alright i finally came back after a huge drawback that ended about 3 mths ago.. i am back after a long 5 mths of no blogging.. now i am collaborating wioth daniel with this new blog.. will change the skin soon.. something white and simple.. no more greenday bs..

actually i have another blog add but i aint telling anyone.. even if u know pls dont say it out.. thx a mil..

today was more of a dull and gloomy day..went around many place.. to pray my ancestors.. as the day was so fucing hot.. i got myself tanned.. that's bs.. damn..

anyway i will make this short and sweet.. will post again another day..

Now listening to: Greenday - Holiday from album American Idiot.

~Ky' Ciel Bleu

juz a intro...

halo ppl....
this blog is basically shared by me n yk...
dun ask....
as to y we're sharing....
perhaps we were bored outta our bones...
sitting at home rotting....
nth rrly happened todae for me....
tried to mug chem for awhile...
b4 a rrly complicated equation pissed me off..
den i was so damn tired i went for a nap...
slept from 2-6+ =.="
felt good,but i practically wasted the day...
my "holiday" b4 jc starts...
haix...miss days in SR n srj-ians...
man u guys rocked! pj's so...d e a d....haix...
maybe appealing back to SR eh....see how mondae "orientation" goes...
oh and eh...cant wait for tmr...lolx~ cya arnd yeah! X)

-Daniel +_+

Test post
